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Course open with full greens in play (updated 05 March at 08:10)
1909 Open

J H Taylor - One of ‘the great triumvirate', Open winner at Deal 1909

"I am proud to have won the first Open ever played at Deal Links. It is most worthy of such an event being held on it."

The 1909 Open

newspaper_cutting_300w.jpgThe event attracted an entry of 204, a large field for those days, and the favourites were James Braid and Arnaud Massey.

Much controversy surrounded the use of the new ‘rubber cored ball', which was said to give significant increased distance over the ‘guttie', but it was permitted in any event.

The early play was dominated by James Braid, who putted brilliantly, P.J. Gaudin, Sandy Herd and the amateur Harold Hilton. By the time the cut was reached these had been joined by Tom Ball with a course record of 71 and C.H. Mayo who, with a 73 led the field.

For the third round the weather broke and Braid and Ball, each with 73, and J.H. Taylor, consistent with 74, emerged as the likely winners.

A last round of 74 by Braid was beaten into third place by Ball's last 9, completed in 36 strokes, but J.H. Taylor's total of 295 prevailed, won him the Claret Jug, a gold medal, £20 and the 4th of his 5 Open victories.


Sandy Herd
J H Taylor

Cartoon of JH Taylor Open Winner at Deal 1909

Spectators from the 1909 Open
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